Is Australia behind the times when it comes to greening our roof tops? In some overseas countries it is more than a trend; it is a legal requirement to have roof top gardens in new developments.
Roof top gardens produce many benefits; they reduce energy costs by acting as an insulating layer, they reduce water runoff, and they provide a space for building occupants to relax. Plants capture carbon dioxide from the air and thus help reduce the advancement of climate change.
In considering the establishment of a roof top garden, one of the best systems on the market is the modular Verti-gan green roof system. The system consists of interconnected square bases and uses an ebb and flow method for watering the plants. The many advantages and properties of the Verti-gan green roof system can be summarised as follows:
- The modular units are made of strong polypropylene, resistant to indoor and outdoor conditions, environmentally friendly and recyclable.
- Plants are watered using the ebb and flow method, as shown in the image below. This watering method prevents both under watering and overwatering.
- The square bases are waterproof, and UV resistant.
- The Verti-gan modular roof garden system uses substantially less water than the traditional above ground spray system. As there is no over spraying, all water not taken up by the plant and soil is recycled and rain water can be stored in the holding tanks.
- The modular units can be connected both horizontally and vertically, allowing for the system to be used both for large roofs and small balconies, and for both small and large plants.
- Modular units can be pre-planted in the nursery, eliminating the need for many cubic metres of soil to be lifted on to the roof, and reducing the installation time of the roof top garden.
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